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Between dead end and energy transition:
A social-ecological multilevel analysis of transnational biofuel policy

Module two: Social-environmental Conflicts Related to Biofuels in Brazil

Brazil looks back a long-time experience in the production and use of bioethanol. In 2004, the Brazilian government launched the national biodiesel program, and in 2010 the national palmoil program. Due to its advantageous climate and geographical conditions, Brazil has a huge production potential in this field and currently positions itself on the international market as a producer of biofuels and technology exporter. Accordingly, the government focuses biofuels production in their development strategies with respect to energy, climate, and agricultural policy. These strategies, however, have become more and more controversial of late, not only in Brazil but also in the international debate over biofuels. Based on these controversies, the research project focused on the socio-environmental impacts, chances and challenges of the recent biofuel expansion in Brazil.